40 & 8 La Femmes #273
40 and 8 La Femmes 273

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40 And 8 La Femmes 273
Our Mission
40 & 8 La Femmes 273 is a dedicated woman's organization that provides unwavering support and organizes meaningful events for women connected to veterans. Our website serves as a hub for information about our club, upcoming events, and opportunities for involvement. We are committed to supporting 40 and 8 Voiture Local 273 and creating a strong community and fostering lasting connections among all veterans.
Who do you know that is eligible for membership in the La Femmes?
A Woman that has reached the age of 18 and is the Wife, daughter, Grand daughter, Niece, Aunt, Cousin, Mom, Sister, Friend, Neighbor, Coworker, affiliated with a veteran.


Wednesday September 25th and Wednesdays there after.
Doors open 11 am, Bingo starts at 1 pm
View of our property from the road
44640 St RT 14
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
P O Box 244

Some information on La Femmes and the 40 & 8

La Societe de Femme is a fraternal organization of women formed in 1963 for the sole purpose of supporting the programs and principles of the U.S. veterans of the Forty and Eight Organization (La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux.) It is a non political and non sectarian organization.
La Femmes is a nationwide organization with groups formed at the local, state and national level. National Headquarters is located in Plainfield, Ind.
Membership in La Societe de Femme is restricted to women eighteen (18) years of age and older. At the local level you must be invited or recommended by a current member and approved by the local membership. At the national level you may become a member with the endorsement of either a member of the La Femmes or a member of the Forty and Eight.
The Forty and Eight was formed in 1920 by U.S. soldiers returning from the WWI warfront in France. They adopted French terminology for their organization and the La Femmes followed suit. The organization uses a lot of French words and Officer Titles. Members are called Dames, groups are known as Cabanes and meetings are termed as Rendezvous. La Societe de Femme members have a lot of fun while providing invaluable assistance and contributions to Forty and Eight Programs. Much of this work benefits the local communities where groups are formed. This includes: Aide to the Voiture (post), Americanism, Box Car, Carville Star, Child Welfare, Nurses Training, POW-MIA, Youth Sports Programs, Flags for First Graders Project and Aide to Veterans and their Families.
If you would like to become a member of La Societe de Femme contact any La Femme or Forty and Eight member in your community. Visit our website at: www.fortyandeight.org to learn more about the Forty and Eight and the La Femmes Organizations. For more information email us at: femmes@fortyandeight.org or phone the National Headquarters at (920) 253-1945.

Our Chateau